Thursday, March 14


Who designs beds? I never see anything interesting but it's the most used piece of furniture in the house. So what's out there? There's this rocking bed by Manuel Kloker (
 Or this "itbed" made of cardboard (foldable) by it designs:
 And just because I love woven things, this bed by Bauke knottnerus:


  1. Im not too sure I would want to sleep on the rocking bed as I move around quite a bit in my sleep....

  2. Agreed, and typically by the time I have a red lampshade on my head everything already seems to be rocking around.

    On another note - I'm having a hard time believing the scale on the bottom one, considering the background, it looks like he photoshopped in a small picture of himself on a tabletop model.

  3. The bed made from cardboard reminds me of a cool website I saw They make chairs for kids out of cardboard into different shapes.
