Monday, February 18

Jamie Wolfond

Odd as hell.

Frumpalicious The Frumpy Chairs aren’t what you my typically think of as attractive… in fact, they’re pretty weird. But the process by which they’re made IS beautiful! Designer Jamie Wolfond pours plastic regrind (ground up rejects of failed injection-molded parts that would otherwise go to waste) into a fire-proof silicone pattern and heats them in a pizza oven. After heating the plastic to its melting point, he slumps the mold over a crude form—letting the plastic determine the final product. Designer: Jamie Wolfond Read more at
His website

1 comment:

  1. I see that he allows the plastic to determine the final shape. I imagine he could be more strict with it and actually create more well defined chairs with beautiful dotted pattern designs due to the different plastics. Some of these remind me of Jackson Pollock style themes.
