Saturday, February 16

Verner Panton 1926-1998

Panton Chair, 1968


  1. The single mold chair is very cool, but I am much more inspired by the entire atmospheres that he created - I found them with a quick google search. The use of only a few bright colors with his simplistic designs is very appealing and it seems as if they would translate in modernity seamlessly.

  2. I feel as if people take for granted the whole designing and artistic processes that goes into furniture making. I have seen these Panton chairs all over the place for such a long time and not once did I think about the design process behind it or the innovative nature of the person designing it. Really cool to see that this chair was actually designed by a well known designer and still seems to be prevalent throughout the furniture world today!

  3. Love the curves in this chair - it's as much of a sculpture as it is a chair. I'm really hoping to accomplish something similar with my final project
